Saturday, January 4, 2020

System Analysis Current System Essay - 898 Words

Chapter 4 System Analysis 4.1 Study of Current System 4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System 4.3 Requirements of New System 4.4 Feasibility Study 4.5 Requirements Validation 4.6 Features Of New System 4.7 ER Diagram 4.8 Usecase Diagram 4.9 Selection Of Hardware and Software and Justification 4.1 STUDY OF CURRENT SYSTEM The existing system was found to be completely manual, i.e. customers’ information is captured in books, there also required to walk to the tailor shop to get their measurements taken. Customers also go to the tailor shops to check on the progress of their garments. However, Current system is available as either software or web application only,which is totally made for tailor shops and tailoring companies . 4.2 PROBLEMS AND WEAKNESS OF CURRENT SYSTEM The current system is undoubtedly well-designed but it has some following limitations: ïÆ' ¼ Lack of awareness of this system. ïÆ' ¼ Available in Only English language so everybody cannot perfectly understand. ïÆ' ¼ Some security related issues may be created. ïÆ' ¼ Idea stealing problem is there. ïÆ' ¼ No involvement from customers’ side. ïÆ' ¼ 4.3 REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION Requirements specification adds further information to the requirements definition. 4.3.1 User Requirements Here two types of user can use this project †¢ Admin: Admin users manage the entire project like login, management of ïÆ' ¼ project ïÆ' ¼ Users ïÆ' ¼ Updation ïÆ' ¼ Data management †¢ Users: These users can †¦.Show MoreRelatedSystems Analysis And Design Activities849 Words   |  4 Pages Systems analysis Daniel Hawkins Enterprise Systems Analysis Design â€Æ' Introduction The first section of the briefing addresses the systems analysis and design activities in the organizational workplaces. 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